my runner is really weird if i full throttle it it takes a few seconds before it does anything. could this be the belt is worn out and its slipping. pull off seems abit sluggish as well and it seems to rev abit more. i wanted to wait until i got my 172 kit to get new rollers and belt for the 180 varo but it looks like my bike needs to be sorted now any ideas cheers
you asked this a while ago, on another forum... and most people said to change your rollers and belt.... but you still havent done that :eh:
**help** changed rollers, belt, gear oil, spark plug and sorted out the clutch. the bike is still shit slow and i went on my old yellow runner and it is so much better what can it be im well pissed off
ok, have you actually changed the rollers and belt yet? this wil deffo be the cause of it if they have been in there since you can remember.
yer the garage did it and gave me the old ones some were ok. some had flatspots/ the belt looked abit past it where it had warn in the middle im so confused how can all other runners be well quick and mine is not. my 180 was shit as well before it seized whats going on cheers