Ive got a chinese sonik skyjet 50 and i dont really like the stickers.:glare: Does anyone know of any way how to remove them without damaging the paint or would i definatly need a re spray? For when i do get the stickers off any suggestions for some new stickers?
heat it up with a hairdryer/hot air gun and then wd40 is good for getting off the sticky shit stickers leave behind, then abit of t-cut
well ino he hasnt got long hair so he wouldnt have a hair dryer . his mum will so use his mums :L tool
A hot air gun is a very bad idea. Very easy to end up melting the fuck out of your panels. A hair dryer or taking the panels off and using boiling water is also a pretty good way to do it.
this is totally different idea really, but when taking off my stickers from my typhoon i picked at the sticker untill i had enough to grab and pull, then pulled with left hand slowly, and used a cloth with warm water and rubbed it on the bit of sticker that was being pulled off, took a couple minutes
Warm water or maybe a hair dryer if it's easier for you, Stanley blade on a corner of the sticker to turn the edge up and remove. Then as above have said for the sticky residue left on the panels. :good:
Nononeoeneoeno not a stanley blade. Near impossible to do it without taking off paint. Best thing is something like a plastic ruler. Nice and hard with a good edge and wont mark your panel unless you do something stupid.
i can make basic stickers we have a cutting machine for the custom graphics we do when airbrushing wd40s not that great if you are going to paint them or put stickers back on i would use standard thinners
I meant for the gunky residue if you are peeling them off to use wd40, its just what I did, worked well.