Recalibrate oil flow after upjet?

Discussion in 'Scooter Tuning' started by Buzz, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Buzz

    Buzz Active Member

    if i upjet for any reason such as changing air filter or exhaust then should i increase the oil flow from the pump? This is never mentioned. Or will increased fuel flow automatically draw more oil?
  2. scubabiker

    scubabiker NITROJUNKIE

    Depends on the amount you upjet and the reason really.
  3. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster
    nope, if your using the oil pump then engine rpm vs throttle possition metres oil... upjetting is the percentage of air fuel, not the total ammount... or even oil required. you only need upjet if you switch to premix as your replacing a bit of the fuel with oil so you need more total mix to be the same air to "fuel" mix.

    i run max oil flow on any build tbh, oil pumps are sparce with oil comparitivly... run premix for a month and you soon see how much oil you SHOULD feed an engine vs how much you put in the oil tank

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