just a london thing i think.. dont mind it. its the influance of the local ped shop. chav wheels ahead. nick bruv, you will see the light soon
Like thoses wheelies lads, wish i could but a 4 stroke 125cc 120kg fucker dont go up so easy no what i mean??
yeah but thisnt on a bike frame lol ikts a fuckin scooter frame arc: it goes up but looks soo shit as you have to have your legs weeeeeeeeeeeeeelll far back and i havent got the balance point on the cunt so it comes down after 3 seconds :emb:
a dna will be alot harder to whelly then your scooter mate..jus toy around with different methods of poppin the front up
Messed about for a bit too imp: Can get it up no problem, Need to take it higher (i've only scraped 3 times and shat it every time) but i cant really keep it going...practise eh :emb:
Wheelieing AND on the opposite side of the road? arc: good photos though, nice to see some new stuff :tup:
i was gonna say thats probably the stupidest thing you could do although yes, wheelying is dangerous, theres no need to add a whole new element of danger to it
Might i add the pics of me were on private land, If i'm on the road its on the proper side of the road imp: