Hey folks... How do you get the "bumper like plastic" painted? I once clear coated the black on my old BWS and it flaked when your shoes touched it...What have you guys learnt? Thanks, Dyl PS...I hope you don't mind me using your picture aerox172. Thanks
ROUGH ASS paper, high build primer.. lots of anmd dont tread on it... abs is a PAIN IN THE ASS to make paint stick too.. its too flexibal.. dont matter who does it, it will ALWAYS flake after a while. only real way to do it is to paint with fibreglass resin so its a solid plastic.. then filler prime and paint, it stays put then, but the pannel needs alot of fuckin about to make it fit again.
So at the end of the day...it would probable be eaier to take the panel off and fiberglass a mould of it, lay some body filler to smooth it out, and then spray? have a look at the picture below... How does this then mount to the body?...prolly not the best for an everyday scooter? Thanks, Dyl