that would be because A. it's a 106. B. it's a quicksilver and C. loads of other 17 yr old cunts have wrote them off... thus bumping up the insurance... i have to pay 2 grand full comp on my 206.. and they think it's garaged (and standard)
far from cheap for me mate.. it was 1000 a year on my provisional, swapped it to a full license in october (started the policy in july) so i have the excess to pay when it doubled.. bumping it up to 250 a month, and only earning 500 a month, half of my wages go on insurance, other half, goes on petrol.. so imo, no, not cheap lol... also i live in Carlisle... not everyday you hear of a car being stolen
Hear what you're saying but other stuff wasn't much cheaper..all over 2 grand There was only 60 quid difference between the 1.1 and the quiksilver so he may as well have the car that he REALLY wants coz he'd appreciate it more.... and probably look after it whereas if he had the 1.1 it'd probably get abused coz its seen as JUST transport
you tried something that has 4/5 doors, is a diesel, and isn't a hatchback? you'll note a big difference then... and trust me mate, he'll "look after it".. i thought i would look after mine... but tbh it's been ragged everywhere etc... especially in the first few months.. depends what type of person he is though... does he go out on a night? if yes, he'll probs break it somehow
yep as diesels arent known as boy racer cars in some respect and are generally alot slower than petrols (old diesels) for instanec my friends 306 1900 diesel turbo = 1500 pound insurenace other friends 1.2 corsa sxi = 1900 insureance (both cars go same speed aswell lols)
no, the fact your m8's car is an xsi is the insurance.... diesels are usually base moddel cars (most are bought new by companys rather than sold privatly) base modeels are usually bottom of the line, meaning cheap, meaning cheap to insure. if you go get yourself a 1.6 petrol focus l and a 1.6 diesel focus l the insurance will be the same, or more in the diesel as its MORE MONEY new for the same model... "my friends 306 1900 diesel turbo = 1500 pound insurenace other friends 1.2 corsa sxi = 1900 insureance" onse a corsa ones a peugot, there nothing likem eachother and are completly different cars.. this is not a comparesen... by racer cars?!?!?! a diesel clio is just as likely to be ragged fuck out of as a poetrol one, the fact is its YOU thats seen as a "boy racer" as your the age you are, driving about in a hatchback... want cheap insurance? dont buy a hatchback...
whats the most people would pay to insure their car, generally, (like a rough figure ie, "i wondnt pay over 3 grand" etc)
5 grand :rotfl: f that, 2k asbaloute max im afraid? unless it when im older and its a ferrari or something (hey i can dream cant i )
2k on insurance? you lot are fucking mad. don't do it, just do not pay it and find someone cheaper, or get a different car, insurance is dead money, why would you spend 2k for a bit of paper?
i`m 29 and it`s £560 a year fully comp with 1 years ncb on my mondeo zetec s tdci. mine is one below the ST in terms of spec, and having a diesel does definetly make a difference with insurance. compare that to £490 per year on my old 1.4i petrol renault megane. they are all robbing bastards these insurance companies. the cheapest site i found was
most id pay for insruance is 5 grand, meaning it would have to be a fucking awsome car! but yeah 2500k max and thats a 1.4 polo with all mods declared
so dont buy a 1.4 then??!?!?!?!?!! if its not a 16v its hardly faster than the 1l anyway and why declair mods? just dont mod your car for the first year. i have a 1.4 8v polo, cost me 89 quid to insure for a year. (and im fuckin loving it) my insurance quotes were high when i was younger as i was your typical 17 year old... a dreamer, nice cars are for experienced drivers, not snotty boy racers out to prove there playstation abilitys FAR outstretch there actual driving prowess..... 1l shitbox... a swift, a micra, a mini, a metro, a chiquichento ffs.. these are CHEAP ass cars to insure (if you buy a base model and leave it the fuck alone) shit cars are shit cars, you pass your test, you drive a shit car untill you'r ability FAR outstretches that car (as in your screetching and lifting a wheel on every corner, wiht amazingly relaxed accuracey) and then you get sommin nice, by then you will have a few years no claims (atleast a year, as lets face it, your LESS LIKELY to crash a small engine car than you are a big one, you CAN go fast in a little engine car, acceleration is just laps, its MORE than enough to kill you VERRY quickly befor you even know it happend.. blah blah) insurance reflects this.. buy a shitter, rag it to death, buy somthing nice.... if it cant go fast your less likely to get speeding tickets (it soun ds simple/stupid to say, but its easier to make mistakes in a fast/nice car as your having to pay more attention to the car/road rather than signs) plus the fact, new drivers ARE inexperienced... dont care what driving youve done in your life.. its not untill your USING the roads, as you should, at the speed limit wihtout protest, as you should on your test for 5 or so years that you will have the experience to relax and let your surroundings become a bit vague as its ALL reaction by this point, you cant learn that by 17, not even if youve raced carts up to rally cars. its NOT the same... but ye, ramble off... insurance rapes young boys who want nice cars.. deal wiht it, everyone else had to. give it 10 years and your insurance will be 10% of what it is now... maybe 5% IF you keep your licence CLEAN and get 10 years no claims. id rather drive a shitter for 10 years and buy an sl55 brand new when its easily affordable than blow ALL my money driving ok ish cars.. unless your buying a car thatonce cost 20+k new, it aint all that interesting, so you may aswell go for econimy to the max...