Moulding panels together

Discussion in 'Visual Modifications' started by SupaRox, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. SupaRox

    SupaRox Member

    Pretty much i have seen a few aeroxs' with their rear panels (pillion cover and the two panels either side) moulded together. I was thinking of doing it to my bike, but have no real idea of what i have to do! Does anyone have a guides? I want to try it myself rather then going to a body shop, it makes the bike that bit more special! :grin:

    Thanks :)
  2. samaroo44

    samaroo44 Member

    zip 125 conv thing
    best way would probably be fibreglass on the under side then filler to fill any gap on top and create the flow between panels or plastic adhesive and just stick them together. just make sure you can still get them off if you have to. cant see how it would look much different really.
  3. ramo

    ramo GoldMember

  4. nrgandy

    nrgandy New Member

    above people dont know what there doing tbh
    i use isopon p40 followed by p38
    first rought up and make small cuts on all surfaces that touch use the p40 first and make sure it gets in all holes and slices take your time to get it right and use p40 for any areas that need building up and then shape to a rough shape then use p38 to smooth it all off.
    p.s. use any mounting screw that go in there original place to make sure it all lines up and is together tight.
    oh and ignore other advice fibreglass doesnt stick that well ive found but p40 is like a fibreglass paste which is much easyer to use.
  5. RelentlessDan

    RelentlessDan New Member

    fiberglass is hard to work with too, try sanding that stuff, takes forever!
  6. samaroo44

    samaroo44 Member

    zip 125 conv thing
    doesnt stick? then your not using it properly? ive never had a problem with fibreglass and i've been using it for years
  7. RelentlessDan

    RelentlessDan New Member

    yeah i think the doesnt stick was a bit of an exaggeration on his behalf haha!
  8. luke_2401

    luke_2401 New Member

    Just repaired a panel that was in 2 bits.
    I melted the plastic together with a soldering iron(bodge it like its hot), fibreglassed then a reasonable layer of filler sanded back into the origional shape.
    Could follow the same method for panel moulding.
    Just dropped it right after the repair and its all held fine :yahoo:
  9. RelentlessDan

    RelentlessDan New Member

    that is bodgery at its finest young sir

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