LC vs. AC engine - Gilera Runner stator, cdi on a Typhoon

Discussion in 'Maxiscooter Tuning' started by donic, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. Scooter-Noob

    Scooter-Noob God among idiots

    AEROX in box's :-D
    YES water is better than air, YES water as more power, YES water is better for riding long distance, YES water is better in the hot weather.

    but your bike not going over 6,000RPM that is a bike problem not aic cooling set up.
  2. millsy

    millsy "MORE SMOKE MORE POKE" ;)

    Gilera runner 172
    mine has the screw holes for the fan
  3. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster
    the lc has lots of holes, the ac has 4 lil ones for the fan.. if the flywheel is fitted and the engine runs in the correct direction then the stator and cdi match (yes they run backwards if its wrong) the lc did come with a black pickup/cdi on the older models... so it can be hard to tell them apart..
  4. millsy

    millsy "MORE SMOKE MORE POKE" ;)

    Gilera runner 172
    Well I'm buyin the lc one anyway see if it makes a difference
  5. millsy

    millsy "MORE SMOKE MORE POKE" ;)

    Gilera runner 172
    well as above i said i was buying it and have fitted it and the difference its made is huge was a bit unsure before hand but well worth doing
  6. MARSH

    MARSH Whooooo!

    Piaggio Typhoon
    The one problem I can see is that the LC stator on an AC engine will make it run a lot hotter due to the advance! Probably why it's not used as std on the AC motors?
  7. Storm

    Storm Member

    Nothing atm
    What kind of problems would this cause? Heat related? Anyone ever experienced any problems with this mod?
  8. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster
    The timing difference from ac to wc is to restrict power. The ac with the lc stator makes more power than the lc, it also keeps the revs low, wich will keep the engine cooler, as will more fuel (fuel through an engine is actually a coolant) so aslong as you increase the fueling to stop detonation it should sit at similar temps.. More air/fuel means cooler running, its when more air/fuel gets lean (what happens with timing changes) you get the extra heat produced.. It will get warmer sat in traffic, but nothing like throwing a sports type pipe on there. If you do have a diff pipe on there having the ac stator/cdi is actually worse for heat, as the timings trying to kill the engine at the rpm's the pipe opperates at :)
  9. pamarakos

    pamarakos Member

    Very interesting reading...last two years I'm using an Athena CDI (on a 172 Malossi AC Typhoon with a 25 PHBL carb combined with a PM Variator and 13.5g rollers) but each one of them (I've already damped two failed of these last two years) is failing a year after its first use (not so random I guess), one day engine doesn't start at all whereas previous days it starts very difficult unless you replace the failed Athena one with the stock cdi or a new Athena and there you go, everything back to normal :(
    So will it make more power if I do the above conversion than using an Athena again or a programmable cdi which costs almost the same with the above conversion?
  10. donic

    donic New Member

    With a bit of electronics skill it's possible to build a replacement CDI module very cheaply.
    I assembled this one from a kit and it works fine with AC stock stator on Air-cooled Piaggio 150 2T.
    In my experience it has been perfectly reliable for more than 3 years now.

    It's not my design, nor am I selling them. Just thought I would mention it since it's a chance to save some money on your AC ignition should the factory CDI unit stop working and you are looking for a replacement.

    I have not tested it with an LC stator however I suspect that it will work OK.

    You could probably also use this with a 50cc stator as well, but you will need to have an ignition coil pack similar to the sort you get in a sport kit.

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