Incredibly nervous to get back on my 125 scooter

Discussion in 'General Scooter Discussion' started by Jordan Lombard, Nov 9, 2018.

  1. Jordan Lombard

    Jordan Lombard New Member

    hi everyone,

    I hope I’ve been posted this in the right place.

    Long story short, I bought new ped a few weeks ago and had an accident on an A-road whilst commuting to work. I came off going too fast into a corner and luckily nobody else was involved.

    Ive got my bike back but I’m terrified to get back on any A roads because of the accident and because I’m still fairly new on how to navigate them as a whole. When you also factor in many motorists top 100mph on them like idiots it’s puts me in an incredibly anxious position.

    Has anybody experienced anything similar or does anyone have any advice for getting my confidence back?

    I’m absolutely fine on other type of roads just not A roads which is a problem because I need to use them to get to work
  2. scubabiker

    scubabiker NITROJUNKIE

    I punctured 2up, on ice, under snow, in winter, in the dark, fully loaded. I was so nervous to ride after, but it went away.
    It just takes time.
    Don't rush yourself, think all the time.
    It will come back to you
  3. Jordan Lombard

    Jordan Lombard New Member

    Jesus mate! Bet that felt good afterwards!

    I’ve been got to pick it up from a car park tomorrow and it leads onto some huge ass A road - tackling that without indicators (picking it up to get the battery replaced) is not going to be fun!
    scubabiker likes this.
  4. scubabiker

    scubabiker NITROJUNKIE

    My 750 honda doesn't have indicators. Just use arm signals
  5. Stevep

    Stevep Well-Known Member

    You have to have faith in your own confidence.
    Faith in your tyres
    Faith in your bike.
    Now that you've got your first spill out the way, you're a proper biker. Anybody who says they've never come off is either lying or should be on Stan Lee's "Lucky Man" program.
    It's part of being on two wheels. When I first bought my GTR1400 I nearly dropped it twice in the first week, made me want to sell it again, but I didn't. I learnt to have a lot more faith in the bike and I ended up doing every Alpine mountain pass in the French Austrian and Italian Alps. Threw it around like a proper hooligan again.
    If you had had the same accident, in the same place, in a car, would you stop using the car and the A roads?
    Probably not. You still need to go to work.
    Your 125cc bike is more than capable of keeping up with the normal flow of traffic, don't let car drivers bully you into the gutter, dominate the centre of the lane. If they are in a rush they will go round you, let them.
    Going on a track day course will help you with your confidence on handling, cornering, braking and learning how to read the road ahead.
  6. Jordan Lombard

    Jordan Lombard New Member

    Do you not get bellend drivers beeping every time?
  7. Jordan Lombard

    Jordan Lombard New Member

    Thank you for such inspiring advice! I'm looking into the track days now but I appreciate the words of encouragement, hopefully I'll have a chance to ride my work route tomorrow without any pressure!
  8. scubabiker

    scubabiker NITROJUNKIE

    Nope. People dont use their blinkers here anyway. But I think the 750 has a scare factor. Its louder than hell, faster than anything and just mean..
  9. scubabiker

    scubabiker NITROJUNKIE

    You can see the end of my "silencer" there...
    Loud pipes save lives.
    Stevep likes this.
  10. BikerChris

    BikerChris New Member

    Best thing to do is obviously slow down as you come up to a bend lol don't use it as a race track haha always speed up as u come out of the bend.... enjoy your 125 and respect it! What 125 u got?

    I see idiot bellend car drivers every single day!
    scubabiker likes this.

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