Gilera DNA 50 bar change question

Discussion in 'Visual Modifications' started by Buzz, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. Buzz

    Buzz Active Member

    Hi, I'm tidying up a 2003 DNA 50 with standard drop bars on it. I am looking at putting on higher one piece renthal bars but need to get a top yoke from the newest rst model of the DNA. My youngest son is taking on the bike as his first one and I'm thinking the higher bars will be better for him to learn with.
    I can't find replacement yokes anywhere, I've found images but no sales of them.
    Can anyone tell me if it will be as simple as swapping out the top yoke for the newer one with central clamp and where can I get one?
    Any advice appreciated
  2. Buzz

    Buzz Active Member

    Alternatively, where can I get clip on risers or adjustable clip one for this bike?
  3. Stevep

    Stevep Well-Known Member

  4. MARSH

    MARSH Whooooo!

    Piaggio Typhoon
    Sorry Stevep, I don't do links but the later last of the last DNA 50's had high bars as std, there must be some on the BAY?

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