first car

Discussion in 'Car chat' started by lee601256, Jan 7, 2010.

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  1. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster
    passat 1.8 8v is rated at 130bhp.... fits straight onto the diesel 1.6 box...talked to MANY a vw head (mostly fucking clueless) but this is the easy mod as the gearbox fits as does the engine on stock mounts/driveshafts and it wont eat itself.....

    the 1.4 16v is 100bhp. the 1.6 8v is only 75bhp... can get over 100 wiht my 1.4 8v engine on bike carbs.. the 1.6 8v 9is a peice of shit
  2. rideorcollide

    rideorcollide Active Member

    TYPH 172
    whats the deal with modding youre engine on a car??

    is it like peds where police dont really notice.. or do people usually declare it all on their insurance?
  3. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster
    you should declair every modification... if you dont your insurance is void. so if you kill somone (run them over) your going to jail be it there fault or yours, no insurance instantly means the cause of a crash is YOU regardless what you can prove.. if somone hit you and its obviously there fault, its your fault, as you shouldent have been on the road in the first place!

    declair ALL mods.. good thing about things like engine conversions is that its NOT a conversion, if you dont cut/modify the engine mounts/wiring harness (in other wordss you use an engine that drops in) its simply a cc change, so you up the cc on the v5 and then reinsure the thing as the new cc as UNMODIFIED as it is unmodified.. its had a REPLACMENT engine. as soon as you fuck about wiht wiring/engine mounts/drive shafts its a modification. lucky thing being theres a 1.9 diesel polo... so i can just register my 1.8 (actually 1849) as a 1.9 (wch already exists) then insure it as a 1.9l polo... they dont specify a fuel type on insurance usually. the 1.9 diesel polo is one of the cheapest polo's to insure (same reason as always, no kiddy's buy them, roll them and claim) so the insurance wont be much more (only costs me 300 ish quid ether way)

    so ye. a typhoon wiht a zip engine is a modification as you changed the wheelbase.. using an nrg engine (same thing) even if its wc is a replacment engine, so no declaration.

    need to declair ALL mods on anythign you drive... its knowing what a modification and a stock replacment part is (like, a pm pipe is a modification, a scorpian is NOT as its the same power output and volume of a stock pipe and its MADE as a stock replacment pipe) and so on... but yues, declair your mods. only a fool rides/drives a car without declairing mods as quite frankly your not insured so why bother in the first place? why not just save the cost of insurance and just ride illegally anyway? same difference when it comes to actually USING your insurance... its not just a peice of paper to stop the police giving you fines you know
  4. gregzzz

    gregzzz New Member

    would you have to declare changing the seats? my dad says that mk3 golf seats arn't that hard to put in a mk4 polo and look great.. i'm baffled if this would change insurance (eg. changing seat potision making u crash)
  5. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster
    you only declair them if they came from a different moddel... even then its no biggie, seatbelts are more of a pain on insurance..

    mk3 golv seats bolt straight into a 6n (mk4 polo) as do audi a3 seats. the mk4 golf seats actually fit into renaults funny enough
  6. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster
    you know what,t hatsd enough... 2 identical posts ontop of eachother all full of random shit...

    get some PERSONAL taste/preferance and buy whatever car you want... if you need to ask a question like this you obviously havent got much of a personality and making a decision on your own would be good for future life.
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