BNP member list, who do you recognize?

Discussion in 'Forum News and Announcements' started by kcnw9, Nov 19, 2008.

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  1. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    think he meant the childish insults, the attempt to justify some ones murder because they "wasn't suppose to be in this country"
    as well as a few other things ;)
  2. Jamie

    Jamie Active Member

    xt660x, 200sx s14a
    I dont see why you let it bother you....thats why your all so opinionative...the only thing i really care about, apart from ILLEGAL my own celebrations being hindered by the presence of other to stop that..i dont let it bother minor said....we cant call christmas lights christmas lights because its racist...thats a fucking joke...therefore if i want to call them fcuking christmas lights then i will...i couldnt care less because i know how hospitive (think thats the word) this coutry has been when it comes to accepting all religions and their holidays....

    Some parts of england...its ILEGAL to put up christmas lights/decorations on the front of your house....a cousin of mine who loves in luton was given a police warning for not taking down an inflatable snowman he had on his front THAT is fucking silly....if i want christmas lights up ill have them up ill have big fuck off inflatable santas all over my house AND call them christmas lights...i WILL wearmy cross around my kneck while im at work (in a pub) because ive never taken it off since the day i got it....i couldnt give two shits if it offends muslims or any other religiion while IM bringing THEM their fucking food, or serving THEm there drinks...if they find it offencive that i wear a cross that slipped out of my t shirt once...then i find it offencive that they can cover their faces/heads in public....blah blah blah im sure most of you get what im babbling on about...and yes im stoned
  3. DYS VTR

    DYS VTR New Member

    skanky cRaKwhoR3s
    no insults intended, fact is its not a murder is it? he was an ILLEGAL had NO rite to be here what so ever, and now the poor familys of the officers that shot him will suffer as there dad/husband my be fierd or impissoned. and if u still think thats murduer then you need to think about this
    whats the differnce between a soldier and a hitman
    there both paid to kill

    thers always 2 sides to a coin
    but that man should never have been here, if he left when he was legaly ment to he would have never been shot would he? so thus another ILLEGAL has caused a problem for more legal working familys over here......
  4. RY4N172

    RY4N172 New Member

    im getting bored.
  5. tErr0

    tErr0 Administrator Staff Member

    Fire hit the nail on the head. DYS VTR saying no insults intended is like saying "no offence but your mum looks like jesus shit her out of his japs eye while rubbing his left nipple".

    I never seen such a far fetched reason for something in my whole life. Nearly as bad as the BNP's policy's page. You sure you're not a scientologist?

    I forgot to add that of course i agree with the whole thing about changing British traditions (if you can call them that) so not to offend others but that isn't really one of the BNP's policy's. :p
  6. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep

    i think you should stop posting to save your self from looking even more stupid then you all ready have the definition of murder is to kill intentionally and with premeditation!.
    so yes he was murdered.

    if it happen to you or your family i think you would be singing a whole diffrent tune :msn1:
  7. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster
    hey, its good to be opinionated but its wrong to try and tell people there wrong, you have to simply tell them you dont agree and say your bit.. let whoever agree with whoever it aint baout winning...

    i for one WOULD like to get drunk once a year and paint a st georges cross on my belly, shave my head, run round being verry noisy screaming ENGLAND at the top of my voice..harasing the welsh/irish and scottish as should everyone on st georges day... thats our day of celebrating england.. so ye, hardly racist if everyone has the right to do so.. tis my only gripe really.. ANY country being let in (yes white imagrants are as unwelcom in my eyes... were FULL, we have our own problems, fuck off back home and earn YOUR OWN money and spend THAT living there) if you dont like your country.. do your best to beter it.. or dont celebrate it.. i for one will NOT stop you shouting "go fuck yourself english scum@ on st patrics day (altho it will end up in a fight, but fuck it, its ALL in good fun)

    fuck it.. who's arguing anyway.. this aint about race, its about people being singled out unfairly

    racism is racism, from whoever to whoever and theres ALOT of racism from any government party so your fucked anyway.. leve people to there views/beliefs... we would be at war still otherwise
  8. DYS VTR

    DYS VTR New Member

    skanky cRaKwhoR3s
    it wouldnt happen to me or my family because were not illegal immergrants. thanks
  9. tErr0

    tErr0 Administrator Staff Member

    Because you're not an illegal immigrant you won't get shot by the police?

    Jesus Christ.
  10. Jamie

    Jamie Active Member

    xt660x, 200sx s14a
    i think he meant because hes not an illegal imigrant he wont get shot by the police for the same reasons as the brazilian guy was shot
  11. tErr0

    tErr0 Administrator Staff Member

    That still makes no sense Jamie. Get your mouth off that bong!
  12. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    ok shit is that all it takes. dam a visa is all you need to protect your self from wrongly being shot in the head 7 times.

    im going to go buy one asap!.

    get real bruv. because he stayed in the country longer then he should have it doesn't make hes death ok.
    it wasn't the reason he was shot so doesn't have any thing to with why he got shot.
  13. Jamie

    Jamie Active Member

    xt660x, 200sx s14a
    yeah i aint arguein lol

    i just find it interesting hearing peoples different opinions

    DEFFINATELY good stoned reading
  14. one7twoboi

    one7twoboi New Member

    lets all get blazed and discuss this off our faces :D
  15. Vesta

    Vesta New Member

    Zoot Zoot

    You know the place 172 ;)
  16. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster

    the brazilian "jean gean dimendez or whatever) deserves to be shot for one reason, he run from fucking armed police shouting "stop police" they chased him a fair distance, befor he got on a train and proceeded to reach around to grab his bag... he was ain imigrant, staying too long hence he ran in the first place... you get what you ask for completly and theres fuck all to do with race in the shooting...

    WTF that has to do with anything were discussing is beyond me..
  17. one7twoboi

    one7twoboi New Member

    i do think its gone slightly off topic
  18. Jamie

    Jamie Active Member

    xt660x, 200sx s14a


    i like them. :drool:
  19. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    indeed it is. and g. all tho your all most always right. in this case mate you have over looked some major points like the fact its been witnessed that no officer announced him self before opening fire (other offices even said they don't recall any one saying it).

    but any way its about time this topic got locked wouldnt you say t3rr0 or minor just to keep the peace :w00t: ;)
  20. Sw1fT

    Sw1fT Active Member

    200SX S13
    personally i think its about time we capitalised on illegal imigration!

    my idea is simple, we open a belt shop about a 2 minute walk from the eurostar station in france, we offer 2 for a 10er or something, they can strap their legs and their torso under the eurostar that way. hell, we could even make smaller belts for kids, or soft cuddly belt hammocks for babies.

    its a fool proof plan, im sitting on a goldmine here lads.

    disclaimer: any information or business ideas contained in this post are copyright of Sw1fT. Any belt shops found to be opened in the discussed area or operating in the discussed way, including but not limited to 2 belts for a 10er, baby belt hammocks and childbelts, will be found, and have piss, shit and cum posted through the letterbox, primarily in that order but as it is likely to get messy, we wont know for sure.
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