BNP member list, who do you recognize?

Discussion in 'Forum News and Announcements' started by kcnw9, Nov 19, 2008.

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    WOLFFY New Member

    Runner 172
    Think of me what you like.
    National service is a good thing. Bring some fucking discipline back.
    "they DO support sending people "back to there homeland" - Illigal immigrants can fuck off "back to there homeland" yes please.
    As for the other stuff thats just to fill in the gaps I suppose.
    But most of the stuff that they support, I support.
  2. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    agreed it should be just based on the level of stupidity in some peoples post.

    god 1st it was blacks.
    then polish.
    then emo's and goths!

    let people be! why are people making a problem out of what doesn't effect them!

    wolffy its not what i think of you its what you made clear about your self from your answer.

    when they say send people home why would you think they only mean "ILLEGAL" immigrants ?
  3. Jamie

    Jamie Active Member

    xt660x, 200sx s14a

    politics suck ass!

    Although i do think ILLEGAL imigrants should be sent home and banned from the country.

    call me narrow minded i really couldnt care :up: :D
  4. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    yer illegal being the key word
  5. Purplepill

    Purplepill Member

    Nothing? so long as they are actually treated equally, rather than tip-toed around. why get so bogged down on the whole race issue, look at the BIG changes they want to make to everything else and tell me those ideas arn't good for the country??

    Whats anyone else offering? decreased carbon emisions? increased tax? more bullshit legislation that makes no sense at all? thanks

    Unfortunatly it'l never happen. :(
  6. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    i think research is key to this debated and its evident apart from the post below this one and a few others that you guys really dont know what your on about .

    ps i quote "the British national party stands for national and ethic character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial integration between British and non-European peoples. it is there for committed to stemming and reversing the tide non white immigration and to restoring by legal changes, negotiation and consent the over whelming white make up of the British population that existed in Briton prior to 1948"

    that's from the bnp's constitution (note its the latest addition at that) ;)

    plus to touch on what terro wrote you might want to also look up the criminal history of some of there leaders considering they have such strong view on crime bring on the 3 strike rule mr bnp!
  7. tErr0

    tErr0 Administrator Staff Member

    Far as i can tell nothing in their list of polices is actually possible if you look at what they are on about.

    "crack down on crime!" - They woffle on about fuck all as theres no real policy. They only talk about corporal punishment and capital punishment. Which hasn't proved to be helpful at all? If they wanted to go all insane with their policy's on crime they could go crazy and call on a 3 strike system like some US states.

    "British workers first!" - Again makes no sense. They think that some how producing more things in the UK which of course will rise the prices by miles will be the end all answer to the economy. In actual fact the only people who would work for the low labour costs that they would have to do to make it anywhere near productive would be "immigrants".

    "EDUCATION - discipline, standards, achievement!" - They pretty much just talk about giving teachers the ability to beat the crap out of kids and some how putting money into teaching industrial and technological skills. They also talk about teaching the history of Britain. I'm pretty sure that's still done to this day.

    "HEALTH - first-class healthcare for all!" - Boost staff and bed numbers? How the fuck are they going to fund this with all of their tax cuts? They seem to think that the reason behind low staff recruitment and retention is down to low pay so to fix it you pay people more? The fact is that a second from lowest grade nurse in inner London gets a salary of around £26,000. Not bad as far as i can tell and they ALWAYS need nurses and doctors. The problem is no one wants to be a nurse or a doctor now days as it's long hours and many years of training. This is why doctors from over seas have been able to fill the gap so well.

    I'll carry on with the money and tax side as this could go on forever... Comfortable homes for the elderly. With who's money?

    They want to boost the funding for the armed forces yet pull the armed forces out of all piece work and NATO operations and anything that isn't directly towards Britain. Plus they want to restore national service which is yet more money. So again who's money?

    They want to put more money into Britain's public transport (which they must by now be selling their organs for) and remove crime on public transport. Not totally sure how they are going to do it and by reading their policy's you can see they don't have a fucking clue either. Also some sneak in their transport policy bit is that they say they will cut Fuel tax but doesn't actually say by how much... Could be 0.01% for all we know and ban hidden speed cameras which funnily enough is already banned.

    Also not sure how they are going to pay to remove all of these "immigrants" but never mind. I'm sure one of them will start shitting diamonds soon enough. Reading their policy's page you might even start thinking that it's possible.

    Some of you really could do with having a good read and research before jumping in on what was at the start a debate. (gwaarrn minor) Posting tabloid headlines hardly makes you credible.

    P.s. Excuse any spelling or grammatical mistakes. Damn you dyslexia.
  8. RY4N172

    RY4N172 New Member

    LOL bait
  9. DYS VTR

    DYS VTR New Member

    skanky cRaKwhoR3s
    im 18, wen i can vote it will be bnp altho they will not win its what i belive in.

    just look at that fucker that got shot in the underground.

    1 he was running when there was obviously a big threat going dwon so that made his suspicious as fuck

    2 he was an ILEGAL! his visa had expired and he should have been out the contry but no he stayed here ilegaly. now his family cry about it and say that the officers should be imprissoned ect..... FUCK him his fault. just like a train, no ticket= get chucked of, no visa......BANG

    i dont give a fuck if u call me a racist, i dislike the majority of the polish/buglarin migrents but some are OK.
    and some of my closest m8s are itailion/black

    so suck out haters
  10. Purplepill

    Purplepill Member

    Fair enough good post (terro), your right I havnt researched it very deeply, although their surely going to be axing ALOT of bullshit from the budjet aswell? so spending it where it matters rather than spending it on useless things or giving it to spongers. Im not arguing im interested so im off to read up on it more :confused:cratch:
  11. Sw1fT

    Sw1fT Active Member

    200SX S13
    you are (i guess) black and don't have the foggiest about what it's like to live in any body else's shoe's let alone some one of another race.

    see how that can work both ways?
  12. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster
    im not arguing, and the insults between the lot of you are SILLY.. im GOOD friends with the people i have heavily disagreed with, and thats it, a disagreement in BELIEFS, you CANT change peoples belifes you can meerly educate them, this is why we have wars (this an moneY)

    this isnt about race.. in answer to your questions/sudgestions fire i can happily say (once again) i DONT vote for anyone anymore as there ALL racist.. it is a hate filled world but you know what, till were all a slightly damp shade of dihorear and all have the same colour hair its gonna keep on (well, unless an alien race ACTUALLY says hi for once and we become HUMANS)

    people want to be proud of england WITHOIUT being racist.. EVERYONE as in we have had the emansipation of religions in england, we have one of the MOST multicultural societys in the world (and that is a fact) here in london alone.. the bnp simply wish to preserve/celebrate this a little more (as lets face it, it IS branded racist partying any national holiday of ours) and in doing so not get on anyones nerves without being branded a fookin racist..
    we ALL embrace every other holiuday of the world now as a city.. but we cant call christmas lights christmas lights now, thats racist.. there now winter lights as it offends other religions.. how about fuck that an we all celibrate EVERY religions holidays (its a fuckin day off and a piss up whats wrong wiht people...)

    ANYWAY i dont vote.. as there all racist, full of shit and trying to scam you... only the bnp arnt trying to scam you to pay for things you shouldent like free healthcare on the nhs and free housing if your "at risk" as simply being homeless doesent make you at risk... they dont want christmas to be called "the festive season" and racist or not, any vote is a waste of time.. we live in shit

    POINT of this discussion isnt race ether way.. you lot branded it that when the bnp was mentiond (actually name an ACTUAL racial CRIME linked to the bnp please) THE FUCKING ORIGINAL ARGUMENT was;

    should you be put on a website to be freely harassed by people that dont agree with your BELIEFS? (bear inn mind this is ment to be a free country)? if its a yes then please carry on.. if its a "no minor, you shouldent be singled out because of a belief as the opposit of that IS RACISM in its most basic form" then top of the class and go an argue about race with whoever you want as its NOT a race thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    lol nah. im actually black, Jewish, Chinese, African, white, Jamaican among other things so nice guess but wrong swift. and your right i dont know what its like to live in any body else's shoes hence why i didn't say some thing stupid like eg "its easier to be an account if your white"

    i dont see what your point was so you could explain that one :msn1: :wtf: ;)

    at least purlple pill has seen that you have to read deeper then words wroth.

    dys vtr what a silly thing to say man. what the hell has his race got to do with with his case?
  14. DYS VTR

    DYS VTR New Member

    skanky cRaKwhoR3s
    mate, if ur ALL that ^ u must look pretty fucked up
  15. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    i hope that's a joke due to you running out of intelligent things to post (hold on wait you haven't said a relevant word at all since the start of this thread).

    i agree with what your saying g on the "xmas lights" and related subjects.
    and most of what you wrote.

    my point was like all political party's the bnp are a bunch of con men in suits and in there own words if any one wants to read the constitution are racist.

    ps vote bnp vys and your hated pols will keep pouring in as there in the E.U!
    read before posting it saves you from looking like you dont know what your on about ;)
  16. DYS VTR

    DYS VTR New Member

    skanky cRaKwhoR3s
    :confused: no its not a joke. if ur every race there uve listed then u WILL look a complete freak, end of m8.
  17. RY4N172

    RY4N172 New Member

    no seriously, you would look joke with all that^^

    so what if im whtie im showing my view from experience

    any company wouldn't want to be called racist or being on national news would they ? NO.

    Like allready mentioned we need to be like the other countries
    only let people in if there worth any thing for our contry not let em in so we work for there fucking life

    send em back the bastards.

    im not racist i have many freinds who are black/asian breddas/few chinese lol

    ( this is my view anyway )
  18. tErr0

    tErr0 Administrator Staff Member

    Not even going to fully comment on the stupid shit DYS VRT is posting. I will say that you do realise the BNP are completely for allowing immigration from country's in the EU? That means roll in the boats of pols/bulgarian's.

    Purplepill there is only so much you can axe really. What they are talking about is way to over the top. If you read they say how they think they are going to get more money by making cuts in foreign policy area's but it's nowhere near the sort of money they would need. The current government already has big problems with where it's putting it's money and they at least know slightly what they are doing.
  19. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    i look like any other person of mixed race you retards. even as a English person your probably mixed some were down the line. there's very little that's English in England down to your language!, due to the amount of times this lands been invaded in the past

    indeed ryan so what if your white.
    your skin colour wast my point.
    my point was the fact you was making comments on something you have no experience in.
    do you own a company?
    have you been told your self sorry you didn't get the job as this less qualified coloured person has, because we need to fill our quoter?

    why would these company's get called racist on the news for hiring who there deemed right for the job?

    and tho are these basted that they should send home?

    ps my cats gay so im not homophobic ;)
  20. DYS VTR

    DYS VTR New Member

    skanky cRaKwhoR3s
    i dont see how it is "stupid shit" its my oppinion, everyones entitled to there own oppinion.
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