BNP member list, who do you recognize?

Discussion in 'Forum News and Announcements' started by kcnw9, Nov 19, 2008.

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  1. kyle1b1

    kyle1b1 New Member

    good song
  2. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    minor. come on bruva. believing what the bnp write on there site or say in a speech is as silly as believing any political partys bullshit.

    im not saying no other race is racist other then whites (im part white and t3rr0 will tell you im the 1st to say something when i hear some one being racist no matter what colour they are).

    i dont think your racist because i know you like choclate people :w00t: .

    but just because the bnp dont wear hitler t-shirts doest mean there not racist.

    it would be stupid and illegal to try and form and out right racist party in this country. so its not like (if they are) there going to come and shout it out from the roof tops.

    the world's a ignorant racist place (that is fact so please some one attempt to debate that).

    i cant be assed to write a essay on the topic becuase its draging and bais.

    but in my opion. londons (and most parts of the uk) is very multiculral and it makes this country great so if the bnp are not proud of that then they all need to take there heads out there ass and really look at were they live and take a history lesson as every thing about this country is orignaly foreign from are traditions to the languages we speak.
  3. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    i hope you are a person of colour and your basing that statment on fact and not assumption?

    other wise the edit buttons may help ;) :msn1:
  4. RY4N172

    RY4N172 New Member

    no its true ^^

    if a mix raced person went for the same job as a white person

    the mix raced person is more likely to get it because of of the mix raced person complaining about the shop/place being racist

    my mate works in the hilton she said if a black/white personw ent for the same job the black person would get it.
  5. DYS VTR

    DYS VTR New Member

    skanky cRaKwhoR3s
    ye cos if the wighty gets it its RACIST against the black boi,

    white men cant jump, great film

    black bois cant jump would be classed as RACIST and banned

    get me
  6. RY4N172

    RY4N172 New Member

    its true this worlds fucked up

    WOLFFY New Member

    Runner 172
    A fucking men to that.
  8. capri dave

    capri dave Active Member

    And have you noticed how black people are allowed to call each other nigger...

    but if a white person says it a riot breaks out on some housing estate ;)
  9. one7twoboi

    one7twoboi New Member

    I actually LOL'd at that :rofl:
  10. GRIMEZ

    GRIMEZ New Member


    are you serous? why do you think they ask what race you are on an application form? you think they do that to colour co-ordinate your uniform?
  11. Purplepill

    Purplepill Member

    Wheres guy fawkes when you need him :whistle:

    I dont care who's in our country, I care about what the goverment does with OUR money, and the weird and wonderfull things they think up to mug us all off, it shouldnt be us against us, it should be us against them, I dont care who the fuck 'us' is..... the government are smart bastards if you have a serious think about what there doing now and in the long run :(

    After reading up on the BNP, I have to say I agree with 95% of what they want to do, and seriously think this country would benefit from them.
  12. Vesta

    Vesta New Member


    Lol at that

    Doing my A Level history atm, only just starting to notice how much bullshit politicts is, Bitchy ads like that, i would've thought they would've been more mature

    Read this anyone who has the time

    To me it makes alot of sense, "On current demographic trends, we, the native British people, will be an ethnic minority in our own country within sixty years"

    I dont want that, I know my dad mam etc wouldn't want that but they all think that BNP are just facist cunts but im reading that manifesto and near every point is making sense.

    Seriously read it and agree
  13. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    :w00t: i swear all tho funny you have no clue what your on about.

    you could say the same about them asking if your a man or women!.

    you and ryan are both white and dont have the foggiest about what its like to live in any body else's shoes let alone some one of another race.

    to put it simple unless your speaking from experience then you talking out your arse and GUESSING!.

    and capri david why would you want to call a black person a nigger ? what the hell are you complaining about?.

    the dim view taking on the word nigger being used could have some thing to do with this

    vesta. the being of your post you came across as a clever boy.
    so think about it now. they are a political party like any other. meaning they all chat shit!.
    i swear people are expecting the bnp to come out like the neo nazi and just be bate about it are they?

    what is bad about this country being a mixed place?
  14. WOLFFY

    WOLFFY New Member

    Runner 172
    Who ever doesn't like the BNP can suck out
    I just read through most of that thing that Vesta put up.
    They're not just a bunch of rascists.
    It actually makes sence.
    Stop jumping on the BNP hating bandwagon because everyone else thinks they are just rasicts.
    If I could vote, I would be voting for them.

  15. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    simple question. do you believe every thing you read and take it as gospel?
  16. WOLFFY

    WOLFFY New Member

    Runner 172
  17. Vesta

    Vesta New Member

    Yeah Fire ino they all talk dribble but since the BNP are so different to all others maybe there would actually be a change if they were appointed. (which will never happen)

    As for whats wrong about it being mixed theres fuck all wrong with it in my opinion i work with poles and other east europeans there sound, Theres no way i can say this without being racist but fuck it i dont like walking through wakefield and seeing women wearing burka's etc. but then i dont like seeing extreme Goths or Emos either but hey lets not get started on that
  18. WOLFFY

    WOLFFY New Member

    Runner 172
    too true.
  19. Mehmet

    Mehmet Active Member

    AUDI A3
    This thread is stupid and i think it should be locked, because they will never win and it will never happen...but i do think they should close the fucking gates now :rtfm:
  20. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    well then by your own admission wolffy your a fool.

    i think you lot might want to read there page again and look at there vids on you tube. because you seem to be reading small amounts and missing the bigger picture.

    eg they support national service.
    none of there policy's are realistic.
    they dont support foreign aid.
    they DO support sending people "back to there homeland".
    they expect to have every thing made in this country (which common sense tells you will cost more) yet they expect to end unemployment with this.

    with the exception of minor and my self im yet to hear (read) any one say any thing other then far-fetched ignorant options of little relevance.

    having a multicultal country is not a bad thing! what the hell are you moaning about?

    what are these great British things that the bnp will bring back and make better
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