Got a mate coming tomorrow, to do a compression test.....anyone any idea what these little 50cc two strokes should show ?
90psi? Mine has a green and red bit, I've always gone with that and not really payed attention to the numbers
It runs !!.....well, sort of.....there is a small round hole on the front of the Reed valve block, if you put your finger over it, it fires up, take your finger away and it stops.....anyone know why ?
O.k, It would seem that this little hole is some sort of breather.....put a finger over it and you can feel suction at the carb. intake while cranking it over.....remove finger and no suction.....seeing that it sits just below the reed valve block, I wonder if I should have another, closer look at the reeds themselves ?..... has been suggested that there may possibly be a pipe, from that hole, with a spigot in it, to the vacuum pump, which could work to open the vacuum tap, thus allowing the fuel through to the carb.....this seems strange, as the air comes OUT of the hole, but could just be a possibility, as there is a pipe from the pump that goes nowhere, when you are clutching at straws you will try anything I guess.....
All sorted now.....running like a good 'un, it IS a pulse vacuum pump, connected that pipe up to the hole below the Reeds, and she is now pumping fuel through......NOW the work can begin....
Connected the starter motor direct to the battery and it spins like a good ' it looks like the starter Relay / Solenoid is one ordered.......
Yeah should be good with a new relay then. You can bodge the fix for a while, pop the cover off the relay and clean the contact point (you will see what I mean when you pop the cover)
Thanks for that.......yes I see what you mean, the contacts look pretty furred up, will clean them up tomorrow and see what happens.....
O.k....Have checked the wiring.....cleaned the contacts in the starter relay, checked that it clicks open and shut.......and it still won't there there any way to test it ? or simply buy a new one.....I've seen somewhere about touching two wires together, to see if it's passing the high voltage to the starter, or putting a volt meter on the two bigger wires, but not very good with electrics.......
Just an update......touch the two thick red wires together, and it turns the starter motor, other wise relay ?
Yeah new relay You can check it by running a 12v feed to errr I think it says 85? Got a clearer pic of those numbers there?
Also you can check with a meter. Or a bulb even. Plug it between the 2 little terminals. When you press the start button you should see the bulb light up, or 12v between them.
O.k......voltmeter between small terminals 85 and 86 reading 11 / 12 feed to terminal 85 relay feed to terminal 87 starter spins.....this is with the battery showing 12 / 13 volts......what does this tell me ?.......