1981 Honda Express

Discussion in 'Scooter Projects' started by RyanM, Jun 18, 2017.

  1. RyanM

    RyanM New Member

    I have been building bicycle frames and refurbishing bicycle frames for a while now and recently a mate of mine dumped a 1981 Honda express on my doorstep. He picked it up at a garage sale for nothing..... it was knackered. He has asked me to fix it up. My response was that you can't polish a turd..... but I will roll it in glitter!. The scoot will only travel about a 10km round trip between surfing spots and pub runs. So there are 2 requirements ..... a surfboard rack and a stubby holder.... and I might chuck on a fishing rod holder as well.

    Upon breaking the bike down I have come across a couple of dramas. The plastic head lamp assembly is all broken. To get around this problem I got a copper beer tap cover and welded in the speedo and installed head light and other stuff. Have also discovered there is a leak between the fuel and oil reservoirs as well. Currently I'm in the development stage (drinking beer and procrastinating) of building new copper fuel and oil tank.

    Anyway enough talk here are some photos so far and I'll keep them coming as things make there way out of development stages! Screenshot_2017-06-11-17-11-30.png 20170610_070349.jpg Screenshot_2017-06-11-17-11-30.png 20170610_070349.jpg

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  2. roniweaver

    roniweaver New Member

    Awesome restoration. You did a pretty good job.

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