Comments on Profile Post by Conver93

  1. InsaneONE
    Indeed I do what ya after? Can't do air gun spraying at the moment as my new workshop is getting built but not long till it will be up and running but I can do spray can job now and still get a nice finish.
    Mar 28, 2013
  2. Conver93
    Well the panels I got now have been scuffed up by the last owner, wither a touch up or a completely different colour, how much do you charge mate? If I want the whole lot done?
    Mar 28, 2013
  3. Conver93
    Mar 28, 2013
  4. InsaneONE
    Would do full respay rather than trying to touch it up even if its doing them in the same colors. About £180 for them to be prepped primered painted and lacquer by cans. Would you want vinyl graphics/stickers to? Where are you from?
    Mar 28, 2013
  5. Conver93
    Fair enough, I'll have to have a proper look at them, see if any of them need replacing, I've already ordered a clock fairing coz it's got a massive crack in it, and dunno about vinyls yet, not thought that far ahead lol, I live in Pompey, right next to town :)
    Mar 28, 2013