The UK's biggest automatic scooter forum.
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I am looking for a cheap vespa frame as i am planning on building a vespa frame up i have an engine the rest of the parts will be needed but i...
have u got a zip floorboard panel?
isit a speedfight 2 my mates got some parts for trhat
you would need a 125 loom and you would have to adapt the loom with the 50 loom for the connections to work, then you need to grind either side of...
just bought one of these and fitted it to my bike now it power wheelies every where cant keep it down bikes an animal now looool
definately easier and cheaper to either buy a fully working bike or one that may need minor work done and theres no point paying some one to build...
i like the way the vespa exhaust look rather than than that one
get a amplifier off ebay they have usb input so you can just play off ure phone mp3 etc... and just hook up some car speakers to it
also you might want to look at the new led front lenses that pedparts now sell there clear but just an idea
there getting pretty rare now and its in good condition i would say its definately worth it rolling nut engine aswell
he means malossi 172 kits are unbreakable on 125's. And no its not a easy convertion if you want to do it safely and legally its easy to cut your...
on nrgs typh's and zips i prefer them smaller bars rather than full sized renthal bars. but the project looks good looking forward to seeing the...
rather than asking on shiny's wall i would search on here theres enough people who have tried to do the conversion and its not as simple and safe...
it should be fine as theres nothing pointed or dangerous about that and its still screwed in so its secure