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Mine doesn't have the immobiliser ECU either. The one on mine looks more like a pit bike ECU.
Here's the wiring diagram that might help.
Also, check your battery voltage and rectified voltage. I mentioned in the other thread that the rectified voltage from the generator goes through...
I made this wiring diagram some time back, so show the electronic pump wiring. For some reason, Haynes missed this out.
Check the read/white and pink wires to the pump. The oil pump is not getting a signal from the CDI unit. I have the same unit on my bike. The CDI...
I would read this thread and I have edited the wiring diagram in the Haynes manual to include the pump wiring. I posted a picture of on page 2 of...
Could be any of loads of things; an unbalanced front wheel, a slow puncture at the front, a badly fitted tyre, knackered steering head or wheel...
Loss of power can also be down to weak reed petals. It might be worth taking the manifold off and checking that the reed seal against the housing...
Check all connections, especially to earth (green wires) and the connections to the socket pins of the CDI unit. Replacement CDI units aren't...
Air freshener on a scooter - love it! :D
Lighter rollers will make the engine more 'revvy' and get you into the powerband quicker. Maybe 8 gram rollers or lighter will help. Have you...
See my post above about the terminals ^^^
They are called crimp-on loop connectors. Most car spares shops will have them. You need some that have M6 holes so that the screws from the...
U-Pol No.8 etch primer and VHT paint, both available from Halfrauds. U-Pol No.8 is the shizzle when working on any metal parts on bikes where you...
You probably need a gear-up kit, Pugs have pretty short primary gearing that runs out of steam when you stick a bigger cylinder on, even my Stage...