Scooter Paint

Discussion in 'Visual Modifications' started by Jordan727, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Jordan727

    Jordan727 Member

    Hi Guys,

    Have been playing with paintshop pro this evening, and now has thrown a spanner in the works as to my paint ideas...

    I've uploaded an album to photo bucket and would appreciate your feedback/comments/ideas.

    I cant decide what looks best any more :( thinking about either purple or red, with black light surround and black wheels. But matt black with coloured wheels looks awesome too. Just cant decide!

    I know you guys will likely tell me its chinese shite and i should leave it stock, but its running well and serving its purpose, just want to differentiate it from the rest of the cheap chinky chong scoots out on the roads, have seen a few on my travels recently.

    take a look here Paint

    Also would happily put something similar together for anyone else changing paint scheme if they can supply me with photos of clean/stickerless bike and their general ideas.

    thanks in advanced guys
  2. turbovetto

    turbovetto Well-Known Member

    tweaked ovetto
    mat black with orange wheels! the renault mat black bumper paint is killer.
    scootzmadness likes this.
  3. Gemma

    Gemma Captain Spooky

    VT 500 E
    Bllack with orange or black with yellow wheels gets my vote.
  4. turbovetto

    turbovetto Well-Known Member

    tweaked ovetto
    Good photoshop skillz by the way. I so a bit of that in my line of work sometimes - but it's nothing as refined as your pics. Taking graffiti off facades - removing the odd lamp post/pedestrian - that sort of thing.
  5. Stevep

    Stevep Well-Known Member

    I notice that you keep the panels all the same colour.
    Why not split the colour scheme?
    Highlight specific areas of the bike with a different colour, like around the vents and the rear grab handle, and where the seams are could be used as a line to split the colour scheme.
  6. Jordan727

    Jordan727 Member

    Wasnt too hard to alter the colour just greyed out the original photo, traced round the panels with the select tool then filled it with a colour and overlayed it then altered the colours.

    Currently the bike is the standard black and silver, and im not really keen on it. Hence the single colour. If i decide on matt black ill probably try some pinstriping to match the wheels.

    Currently im kinda liking black wheels with the red or purple body and black light surround. But will probably change my mind again, was going to be blue before i messed about on photoshop the other day
  7. steven91

    steven91 New Member

    Aprilia sr 125
    the black body with green wheels looks nice

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