yeah i was looking for one at first i thought they only done 125 ones untill i saw 1 50 in a couple of months of looking
they identical running gear? might be worth getting one if different forks etc. panels look identical tho
just dont do geared 50s, its a mistake thats going to happen. they hate the wet, you have to work them far too hard to make them move and tuning kills them.
seems the best idea. stick with peds tbh until you're 17. then get aprilia or cagiva 125 if you can be arsed with the insurance and rebuilds, or again stick with scoots for less hassle
funny you mention hanging, exactly what i nearly did to myself when mum bought me an rs50 to replace the one i wrote off must have been the only 18 year old on an rs50
i know your all gonna be shocked at this but i reckon you shouldnt get a rs50 and get a rx50 or something, i am thinking of selling the rs now and buying a rx but dunno yet. o and dont get a derbi gpr unless you want bits of plastics flying off when you are riding along and 1 more thing, i wouldnt say the rs50 has a bad build quality, i reckon its quite good, strong plastics etc... and apparently the derbi senda is meant to be the fastest geared 50 so im looking for them aswell will
i happen to have a derbi senda, and tweak will back me up that stock, with just a gearing change, it pulls 74. the GPR plastics are a bit dodgy if you get one thats been down the road, but then so are RS plastics. the new rs and gpr are the same bike. the gpr and the senda use the same engine threfore should pull the same speeds.
yea, the new rs is basically a derbi, i doubt your senda goes 74mph unless you went down a massive hill with really high gearing. what gearing did you have and what revs is that at? will
mototek got a ton out of an rs50, no big bore. think revved to like 18k and had lowered and lengthened body though
yea i read about that to wobbly, what revs was that at then, and i bet you dont have strong acceloration with that gearing do you lol :w00t:
rs125 is good tbh. most of the bad stuff happens because of piss poor 17 year old students using chip fat/ice cream/four stroke/£2 a litre oil and never checking anything and hoping noises go away. they're flat out alot of the time so should keep an eye on them, but look after them n they're awesome.
some of my boys have rs50s... they look the nuts but geared 50s are bad news full stop. on the other hand rs125s murk it.