so ... I'm still having troubles! Have a new rear light ... no different to the old one grrr! ...Brake light comes on when you brake ... but ... this is where it gets tricky! I have 2 front light switches, with 4 different positions. Depending on what combination of headlights I use I get different brake light effects. On one setting the rear brake light doesn't work at all (not a problem as the switch is going to be taped so it can't be put in this position). In another it's dim, and another it's brighter. No combination makes the rear light stay on when the headlights are on (for night use). ...I can also make the front headlights flash when I brake on one combination!! ...This isn't so good as I don't want to be signalling people to cut me up infront of me! I'm going to run a wire from the front headlight to the rear light so it's permanently on so it's legal at night ... but what about this headlight flashing when the brakes are applied?! (only happens on one setting). Sorry if that sounds very confusing! :rofl: Any help appreciated!
disconnect the earth wire and connect a wire from the earth pin to the chassis, should sort the problem
righto ... fairing off again then!!! ....Gotta find them now ... if I could just get an MOT on it I could ride it to the workshop and spend all weekend sorting it in warmth and daylight! Cheers matey