[/quote]pmsl :w00t: jason when we next meet up we will take pics side by side and see how small I am :bird: who cames about smallness... it's what you do with it and your mum don't moan... well actuly she does... moans loads... :bird:[/quote] ant jus GROW UP :bird: you sound like a 13yr old school boy nobody cares!!!! :bird:
pmsl just get of the forum nitro girl :bird: you dont have a bike.... you know jack shit about bikes..... your not even planning on getting a bike yet u spam our BIKE forum :bird: ... 169 posts of complete shit lol no use to any one :bird:
is no one stunting anymore, just had to pull up an archive image as my cameraman has buggered off down south. thanks for the cropping tweak.
Dont know if you can call it stunting or Riding it properly. http://youtube.com/watch?v=pOziS-3xicM Also got this bit of a lame wheelie on the old Speedy http://youtube.com/watch?v=-OTRnbSBWJg And this http://youtube.com/watch?v=x-1j3sMUK2c
wheres everyone pics ciaran is the only guy posting new shit..ant we'll meet up and get some new pics of your wheelys...need to get ashton out.he can wheely his boggers 125 for fuckin ages and ben u need to get another ped..u cant wheely your clio lol
With a little modding, anythings possible unk: Wouldn't mind picking up a shitter to actually try and see what i'm capable of, with the old runner i always had things in the back of my mind, if i binned it then the crappy paint job would be fucked etc.
lmao..i know what you mean...u could wheely the runner fuckin sick tho..that day when we went to leeds was the best set of wheelys ive ever seen..time for you to get another ped dude