Peugeot front panel compatibility?

Discussion in 'Visual Modifications' started by Buzz, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. Buzz

    Buzz Active Member

    I,m revamping a basic peugeot ludix one and need advice on a new front panel. The front is flat, single lamp and I need to know what panels can be used to replace it to look better? Will a speedfight front fit? Etc. also whats the best paint for basic plastic, does it need priming or just undercoat? Thanks
    Mark Emerson Trentham likes this.
  2. Merlin

    Merlin Old School Biker

    2007 TKR WRC 50
    Can you take a picture of the front frame with the front panel removed, so that I can see the brackets? Some brackets bolt on for the plastics and I want to see what mounting points yours has.

    The best paint for plastic is either Krylon or Plastikote, these are designed for the job. You can get primers in both ranges and I would advise you to use a primer.
  3. Mark Emerson Trentham

    Mark Emerson Trentham Well Known Member. Staff Member

    NSC110/ ET2.
    Vivacity's have X2 base mounting points + 4 screw positions/peugeot.
  4. Merlin

    Merlin Old School Biker

    2007 TKR WRC 50
    The Trekker / TKR front apron has four mounting points and bolts on to the footrest panel. There is a 'chin' piece that bolts to a wide metal bracket that attaches to the headstock. Four bolts (two for the bracket, two for the chin piece).

    You might be able to swap the front end, but I think that the footrest panel might also need to be swapped. I suggest that you check out pictures of the various Peugeot bike frames via Google.
  5. Mark Emerson Trentham

    Mark Emerson Trentham Well Known Member. Staff Member

    NSC110/ ET2.
    Just dug manual 3920(Haynes) out (Speedfight,Trekker,Vivacity 50's +100's)-(1996 to 2008)if you need mount points/screw position's,if that's any

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