Parasitic Drain Yamaha Neos 4s

Discussion in 'General Scooter Discussion' started by bluntzMastah, Jun 4, 2024.

  1. bluntzMastah

    bluntzMastah New Member

    Hello, I have this Yamaha Neos 4s 2009 year ( 4 stroke ) and I am experiencing strange parasitic battery drain. I thought that maybe my battery playing after winter, so I bought brand new one and problem still here.
    I tested parasitic drain and it shows 0.058 amps and after disconnecting all the plugs one by one I found that when dashboard and regulator rectifier are both disconnected parasitic drain disappears, but IF ONE of those two ( doesn't matter which one is connected ) are disconnected my multimeter shows drain.

    How to fully trace this problems? What next to test?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. bluntzMastah

    bluntzMastah New Member


    I tested rectifier removed and it's all good, where OL it's OL where readings it's stable 0.486V. Tested charging system - idle - 14.4 when accelarating it's about 14.3. So I am assuming charging system works properly.
    I re-assembled everything again, and now when rectifiers connected I am getting 0.001 drain reading, and when I plug in dash it goas up to previous readings - 0.054 something like that. I disasembled dash and everything what's inside looks clean as brand new and no burn marks or oxidation, so I am assuming it's alright with the dashboard except that parasitic drain I am having probably from it. :/

    It's like 15 wires and 3-4 accesories and I can't trace a problem.

    Any ideas? Suggestions?

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