Well if you havn't noticed already the new site is up at http://www.scootershack.co.uk. The forum is still at http://www.scootershack.co.uk/index.php. There is also a couple of changes to the forum such as the removal of the guides section as they will now be on the site insted. There is also a link to the sites home page at the top left infront of the FAQ link. Please read over the forums new Conditions of Use (scroll down) as by continuing to post on Scooter Shack you are thereby agreeing to the conditions.
Well done to you mate, and to all the other people who did it.... looks good,and more of a professional forum.... interesting guides as well . ScooterShack FTW!!! unk:
looks good mate, once ive got my bike looking a bit ticcer ill be proud to supply some info and pics if you like Its only a lil 70 though
looks well good . nice one... should do two different sections..... 1 page for 70's n on page for 172's
If we ever get enough i'll probably group them under two headings. One for 125's/172's/etc and one for 50's/70's.
its tidy as is and adding more sub catagorys will just be more confusoing... once theres LOTS of profiles on there we can split them up to brand too... keeop the photo's/specs commin then guys.. its your site too
Looking good chaps, thought it was wee weried when i logged on and thought no forum straight away, good idea tho
looks awesome Would look even better with a shop section! it'd be an awesome name for a shop and the people really do know what they are talking about....