The Tuning Center has now been turned into an area of it's own. There are 3 sections inside it for all you tuning needs. Please take the time to make your new topics in the relevant sections. A big thanks to hotwot who came up with this idea and proved that the Comments / Feedback / Suggestions section has a point. :rofl:
just noticed this absolutly shit my pants though my comp had broke or ss was going down good idea though :tup:
yup, there was about 30 mins down time for the tuning centre whilst the posts were transferred across.
did it take long ? sorry im bored and cant be arsed to go meet this bit of fluff im seeing at the moment bored already :w00t:
immagine going through all 600 topics individually to seperate them between the 3 sections. it took long enough, especially when you see some of the subjects, hence the new note at the top of the tuning section forums.