Just purchased a 2003 Derbi GP1 50 LC for myself for Father’s Day lol. I’ve got a Yasuni C16 for it that just came, which kit do you think would be best for that pipe? https://scooterpartsco.com/malossi/...gio-lc?zenid=4cc699b0f863f7c262c4c56948d9d08a Here’s the Malossi kit and the here’s a the Polini kit, it’s got a Malossi varaitor and clutch and bell already in it https://www.scootertuning.ca/en/cylinders-racing-70cc/340014-cylinder-polini-aluminium-70cc.html I’ve got a ported Polini Corsa Race From ScooterSwapShop for my Typhoon so should I just stick with Polini you think for the kit. I’ve heard Polini makes a higher quality kit. And just run a short intake or I have a Stage6 MKll intake steam I could run too on it?
I used to run an MHR-rep with a yasuni C16 and a 21mm carb ... and it was a very good combo. The scooter was plenty quick, a whole world quicker than the polini sport cast iron i ran before it. im afraid i have no experiance of the polini kit you linked, so cant really pass judgement on that. The Corsa and the MHR-rep are pretty similar out of the box performance wise, although the MHR-rep being aluminium has better thermal abilities.
you must be stateside then is you have an SSS ported cylinder ? if so as long as you can afford it I would get SSS to build you engine for you , think they charge around $150 to do it + parts , and the MHR -rep is lighter and has better cooling , check out SSS YouTube channel , one of the best.