Re: vfr 400 project looking good i have a soft spot for jap bikes old ones especialy this is gonna look good
Re: vfr 400 project i noticed, didint see a rear end though, was hoping tyga would come into it, nothing like modernisation of a legend bike That rear end, but with the standard front ( tyga make some fucking horrible front ends....) in the standard red and white like you have...fucking georgous
Re: vfr 400 project tyga kits are nice if you wana update the granny, but i prefer the stock nc30 looks to be honest, plus the tyga rear end is just a cbr1000/600rr copy with a odd rear light, it cost to much too as well considering its just a revamp/for sale project. :grin:
tyga shit sucks... honda got it right in the first place.. sacrilage putting any other pans on there... if you want a new looking bike buy a new bike.. i think everything from the last 5 years looks WAY to experimental/jaaneese cartoon/extreme bodykit to fuck.. its not a good look, what happend to smooth lines and function befor form?!?! but ye, anyway. should look nice fire.. whens the deadline to finnish?
well need to get.... .tyres sorted, .rims on, .rim tape on, .then new pans on, .new screen on, .new mirrors on, .new indies on, .new seats on, .new oil in, .exhaust back on, .polish up the all metals shiz.... then i think thats it you know :grin:
black peoples timing :blush: well finding tyres is taking up the most time at the mo, the rest is a days work-ish but i am building 3/4 bikes at the same time, which all like to throw random unforeseen obstacles in the road just when you think your nearly done :banghead: but yeah soon to be finished me hopes :beg: