so i have a malaguti phantom f-12 2001 50cc i dont know if anyone has any information on this, its just a shot in the dark basically, my lights arent very bright i had a piaggio nrg power dt and that uses h7 halegon bulbs very bright but mine uses some stupid 15w standard bulb, ive shopped around and cannot find any higher wattage in this type of bulb found a halegon bulb that fits in the light, wired it up but its no brighter than the other one, what could be causing such s**t lighting its becoming dangerous cause i cant see where im riding, especially down country lanes many thanks :good:
hi i would also like imformation on this as i think i have the same light setup although i ride a suzuki katana i have those little projector lights that arnt worth a fiddlers lol
from what ive heard, it could possibly be the voltage regulator but thats all i know so far apparently that controls the amount of voltage to your lights etc i read up on somewhere someone replaced it on a phantom and it made his lights brighter but because there only 15w bulbs it blew them :/ so yeah enlighten me people