good first cars..

Discussion in 'Car chat' started by gregzzz, Dec 8, 2009.

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  1. gregzzz

    gregzzz New Member

    well yeah when i finish rox in summer i'm after somthing 1.2 - 1.4 as my first car, somthing 3dr and good for a to b stuff, been complentating a corsa b because you can get mint ones for 995, and once their lowered (a little bit 40mm or somthing) with some alright cheap alloys they look alright..but then i have seen corsa c's but i find they look too modern and not really my thing.. what about your first car??
  2. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    i probably say this often but...... get a big bike!!!!!!
  3. [-Jebus-]

    [-Jebus-] Member

    back when i was buying mine, if i knew then what i do now, i definately wouldn't of bought a 3 door 206 ;)

    get something 5 door, diesel, and non-chavvy..

    as for my insurance, (1.4 8v 206, 3dr) i pay 2 grand a year.. and thats HALF my wages a month, then i've got petrol to pay for ontop of that, and with the induction and 'zaust it bloody drinks it like an alcoholic drinks special brew!!

    seriously... take note! lol
  4. MiNoR cOnFuSiOn

    MiNoR cOnFuSiOn Administrator Staff Member

    et2 monster
    avoid peugots/citroens... like SERIOUSLY.. if it has to be french go for a clio/ren 5.. i love german cars so polo's/golfs (golf 1.6 minimum as the 1.4 is SILLY and the 1.6 is about the same on insurance as a 1.4 polo) mini's (expensive and mostly rotten now) corsa's are just so shite its untrue... every chav on the planet has one and guess what, the cost of putting wheels on them and lowering them means you could have bought/insured a much better car...
    fiesta's are fairly bombproof but dont reach the same milage as german cars..

    basicly polo's, clio's/5's/fiesta's/anything quality from japan (honda/mazda/suzuki) avoid peugots/citroens at ALL cost and only buy a corsa if its a. a quick one or b. you are ACTUALLY a chav
  5. gregzzz

    gregzzz New Member

    hmm.. 106's have taken my fancy but i think i'll hunt at clio's or polo's for 1k could i pick up a good cond 1.4 polo 3 dr around a grand..

    like that tbh, mums sayin how much i have she will double it.. so if i have 1500, thats 3k, 1500 on the car, and insurance? if its expensive id pay 6 months tbh..., anyway cheers for help lads
  6. gregzzz

    gregzzz New Member

    in winter, my girl wouldnt like to be sitting on the back with soaking wet leathers on grumpy and we can't talk or listen to music... :rolleyes: car is way more practical, can't you apply for moped entitment after u pass ur driving test... catatory p anyway, so no l's and while i have a car i'll have a long term ped project :good:
  7. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    i know, i just think the 1st car experience is a unfair and unpleasant one as you basically have a limited choice of pretty shitty to average cars, then get raped for insurances, tax, etc etc.

    most people could afford a car that will near the performance of a 600 in general let alone for there 1st car.

    but your right in the winter and average uk weather they have there practicality pro's.

    id say a vw...... ( cant go wrong with a rock solid german)

    147 are cheap, with good looks and a 1.6, but... its a alfa and i will probably work less often the a race tuned ped.

    i think the insurance issue is the biggest piss take when it comes to cars, i wanted to get a coupe or a saloon (not really in to hatch's, typical 1st cars), but the insurance on say a 4000 grand rx8 is was like £3500..... third party!!!!!!! :confused:hock:

    ps i believe you still need to display l plates even if you a full car licences
  8. [-Jebus-]

    [-Jebus-] Member

    oh and as Minor said... DON'T BUY A PEUGEOT!!!

    heap of shit...

    in 1 week, i had 2 fuel injectors go, that set me back 80 quid each...

    now i have no back seats as water seems to be appearing from nowhere, as in the boot...

    if you INSIST on buying a peugeot, upgrade the speakers asap lol, they're awful!
  9. gregzzz

    gregzzz New Member

    If you pass a car driving test after 1 February 2001 you will be required to undertake a CBT course before riding a moped on the road unless you already hold a full motorcycle or moped licence.
    If you already hold a full car licence, or passed a car test before 1 February 2001, you are not required to take a CBT course before riding a moped but you are encouraged to do so.

    that is confusing and i don't get what it's saying, somone tell me the truthhh :)
  10. connor

    connor Active Member

    if you pass after the 1st of fed 2001 AND have a valide Cbt it gets put on to ur licence your allowed to drive a 50cc with a passenger an will not need to re take ur cbt or display l plates.

    if you pass After the 1st of feb 2001 but DONT have a cbt then you will need to do one then send your pinkey off an get it printed on.

    if you pass befor this date you just dont need a cbt full stop.
  11. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    :confused:cratch: couldnt make out what connors saying....

    but it means if you past your car test before feb 2001 then you are not required to take a cbt to ride a moped (50cc), you don't have to disply L plates but can not carry a pillion passenger.

    on the other hand if you pass your car test post feb 2001,
    then you are required to take a cbt before being able to ride a moped (50cc) same rules on L plates and pillion passenger apply :good: ;)
  12. PrettyDodgyDave

    PrettyDodgyDave Member

    Runner 180
    naa i sure once youve passed your test and have a valid cbt you get category p entitlement allowing you to ride up to 49cc (same at16) but on no l plates and for 125 you ahve to use l plates

    ( unsure on pillion but i doubt it :confused:cratch: )
  13. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    "You can only hold a provisional moped licence if you are at least 16 years old. It entitles you to ride a moped on the road as a learner with L-plates (D-plates in Wales) but you must not carry a pillion passenger or go on a motorway.

    Your provisional licence is only valid when you have the DL 196 certificate issued on completion of compulsory basic training (CBT) by an approved training body (ATB).

    A CBT certificate obtained on a moped is also valid for motorcycles once the rider has reached the age of 17 years and has the necessary licence.

    If you want to ride a moped on the road without displaying L-plates you must take and pass a theory and practical driving test.
    If you have a car licence...

    If you obtained your full car licence before 1 February 2001 you are automatically entitled to ride a moped without L-plates (D-plates in Wales).

    If you obtained a full car licence after 1 February 2001 you must first complete a CBT course and obtain a DL 196 certificate to validate your entitlement.
  14. tErr0

    tErr0 Administrator Staff Member

    connor just explained it perfectly... Either way you do actually have to send off for it to be put on your licence. You can't just hold a car licence and a cbt and expect to be able to take pillions.

    It only applies to 50cc's though. Still need L's on a 125.

    Back on topic you useless car wankers.
  15. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    wait you sure about the pillion bit, i swear your not allowed to take one until you have a motorcycle test regardless of when you took your car test?
  16. tErr0

    tErr0 Administrator Staff Member

    NO you dumb fuck. If you hold a car licence after 2001 you CANNOT ride a moped (50cc) or scooter (125cc+) without a cbt first. If you then go and do a cbt and send your cbt off to the dvla you get a full MOPED licence which means you can ride any 50cc without L's and with a passenger.

    You cannot however ride a 125 without L's or with a passenger as it's only a moped licence.

    Works the other way round too so say you currently hold a cbt and go and do your car test then you can get your "free" moped (50cc) licence by sending off for it.

    Before 2001 you can automatically ride a 50cc moped without L's and take a passenger without even having to do a cbt.
  17. gregzzz

    gregzzz New Member

    IF i already have a year left of my CBT, then can i send off for a moped licence :glare: Anyway, this isn't let's all FUCK UP gregzzz thread thread.


    LUSHHH minor got me into them now.. i'll get a 1.2, gti bit's and badge.. then save for engine conversion :D:D:D
  18. FirE

    FirE New Member

    172 oyster card beep
    :eek: no you wont :banghead: ,
    you are going to be a sensible boys :rules:

    buy the shit car,
    live with it while you have a girlfriend and don't have the leisure of attracting the opposite sex,
    use your money not to buy bits of a next car to dress your banger up (would you put tinsel on shit before flushing?) ,
    but to build your rox,
    then after a year or two, when you have saved enough doh and hopefully have two years no claims under your belt,
    you will crash you banger in to the Thames with the old girl friend in the boot,
    ring the brown water out of your trackie pants,
    walk down to the show room and buy a car that looks like the one you was considering nicking all the bits off,
    then go cruising for a unintelligent swallow chick with dd cups, a bum that doest fit in your recaros seats, and a "il just have a salad and water" wait line :good:
  19. Jamie

    Jamie Active Member

    xt660x, 200sx s14a
    or get a bike.
  20. Rick-UK

    Rick-UK New Member

    Runner 200
    I would actually like...
    but i'll dream on with that idea.. lol
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