Rammed a steel brush up my fork shrouds today,to clear them out a bit - think i'll have a whizz down to Kings College to I.d. some of the crap that came out .
dremmel or a cheap copy with a flexi drive and a few wire wheel jobbies will clean them up lovely..brilliant for dinkey little polishing jobs too..£10 on ebay for a 400 pc assortment of bits...loverly jubberly
In the post,as of 12:18 this morning...... geyser who came up with the e/b app - don't know whether to take a uzi to him/have his children..,reckon getting parts 'round mid Jan.,have base £ for wheels + all spindles&smaller pieces now,but........ - big concern at moment is the weather,o.k. for working inside.but not ideal for painting/drying outside,hummm.
i good way to clean up the old rocker arms, get some sandpaper, cardboard, rag and metal polish, and then use the metal polish first on some sandpaper, then buff off with a rag, next go down to the cardboard, use some metalpolish and use the cardboard as your rubbing on thing if that makes sense? then finally buff it off again. you can use card on old alloy and make it a mirror finish in 5 seconds, its just the right roughness for alloy
Scribble,scribble,scribble (writing this down)., may have some use/also,for all those 'dremel' accessories I never use..
Having serious thoughts about the engine.hummm - personally,don't think there's any possibility,of a motor that's been sitting in some shed?,for 12 years +,is going to operate anywhere near it's full capacity,no matter how well it's serviced...... So just in case,ordered...........
Drop some oil down the bore, gently rotate the engine, do a compression test. If thats good, oil and filter change.
Was running,though fluffy when removed(part recycle,then pass on before £age,job)., Oil down the plug hole,then all openings,etc sealed up & bagged to protect against elements till chassis sorted. The thought was a base service,then see how it goes...however,came into some info about a c90 specialist in Sth.London and it's kind of got me thinking,considering the relitive cost of a 'renovation',dependant on how rest of bike turns out in the end,may be a good investment in the meantime..
& still waiting for my b....y 'dremel' and cleaning kit,grrrrrr. have delivery slip for an 07:00 pickup still to fill (tommorow).
Works with charger as well,cordless.it lasts about as long as it takes me to go for a p.., def.not powerful enough,want to say to all those llittle bits....right you b......s,light pressure only,hard pressed to take skin off a rice pudding,works/but laborious.
i got a cheap one years back, its a bit shit, but with the right technique i can do porting and stuff with it.
Update:- ...................'dremels' not for me - feel like i'm smoking a Virginia Slim 'sted of a proper roll-up.!!., figured it now,e/b being s.for what i'm REALLY looking for.googled some and going to settle for an aerosol tin of aircraft paint stripper+wire wool...then i'm getting a tin of Hammerite kRust? + some fine to medium artwork/painting brushes and detail spots (just waiting for info on priming over),then it'll be paint/laquer/sand/polishing compound,buff.mk.
its so much faster with a dremel, just keep at it, you need to find a technique, im sure you have plenty of rust to do some practising!
.....that's if I had one,nope - s...e copy me., got lucky.? ,frankly with this one,pretty sparse on the usual Honda Cub front ,general rust as you'd expect,but fairly minimal corrosion considering & frame sanded down with no corrosion,only mild/not ingrained rust + i'm storing all the metal(bare),in a non humid/less corrosion encouraging environnment..