BWS100 Fuel Issues

Discussion in 'The Workshop' started by barnesandrewj, Jan 21, 2025.

  1. barnesandrewj

    barnesandrewj New Member

    Hi All
    I have restored a BWS that sat for 10yrs+ under cover in a garage. After doing a ton of stuff replacing cylinder piston and rings, and carb and related hoses, as well as clutch rollers and belt, wheel and steering bearings that were locked up!
    I’m stuck on one last thing!
    -The bike will start at first turn and idle with choke is working great!
    -On the stand she can idle all day, and one can open and close the throttle and take her from low through all ranges of rpm low to high up, all day long. This with bike completely put together with tub panels etc etc
    - She has nice power and torque as am riding with 7gr rollers
    -The issue is when she is being ridden, she will ride along and then run out of gas. You start her and she idles and she ready to go until she does the same thing again
    -The plug looks great and mix settings are as per workshop manuals’ recommended setting, and plug looks great!
    -I had a bike shop check the plug (how it looked) and service the vacuum petcock and its diaphragms. The other day. Slight vacuum and fuel flows!…
    -The tank is clean from any rust or dirt/dust and I have a clear fuel filter with a tiny magnet and paper and you can see she is good.
    -I put a new stock rubber intake on and checked the reed valve block and reeds… and know the intake gasket is tight. No moisture or leaks.
    -It has a stock looking Yamaha airbox, but the high-flow larger capacity one, with 15mm foam with a little filter oil sprayed lightly on it
    -As it was an aftermarket “replacement” carb I did borrow a stock one from someone from our local BWS forum in South Africa, and it does exactly the same…
    -I have also checked the piston and barrel to make sure new one is fine and it is!
    -I am running pre-mix 32-1 and running nice $ thin oil.
    -It’s like the carb runs out and once you stop the been fuels already going down to it, so by time you press start she’ll start straight away!
    Would great appreciate some wisdom from you guys! I’ve used advice from your posts already on this bike to help me fix certain things. I joined today as I needed to post this…
    I’m an OCD IT guy that only has a little mechanical bike experience so it’s taken ages to complete this restore, as I’ve ID’d items to change and followed everything as per Yamaha workshop manuals and slowly brought her back to life. I cannot wait until I can ride her more than 1km and not worry she will stall!!
    Apologies for the maybe too much info but hoping it’ll help someone help me?!
    Regards and Thanks,
    Andrew B
  2. barnesandrewj

    barnesandrewj New Member

    Could it be maybe crankshaft seals or something to do with the crank? Obviously I didn’t touch the crank or the rod just removed the old piston from it and put new piston into old it with new barrel and piston etc…?

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