right goin down the m1 at 70mph and then the bikes revs died and speed went slower....... pulled over if cut out.... it wont start and no compression on the kick start... wont even go down... i know thats bad tho :msn1: any ideas of what it is? goin to find out in a few days but whats the worse case and none worse case??
cheapest case..well ent exactly cheap but new bore kit...worse case is its taken your crank with it...in wich case ur talkin a lottt
Did the back wheel feel like it wanted to lock up at any point? this happened to me once when a crank went, the backwheel would skid or lockup for a split second before the clutch took over. sounds like a siezure, easiest option is to buy a new 172 but in some cases you can clean them up and get them running again but it's not the safest option.
duno if the wheel wanted to seize didnt feel like it :msn1: i didnt hear much ever because i was listning to music lol and if its the 172 kit fine i will repaire it! if its the crank fuck that!!! i will buy a cheap bike or sumat
ok, if theres low compression and it spins verry easy on electric take the barrel out and look for mark's on the barrel. chances are its only rings. youd know about it if your piston jamed enuff to kill the barrel. if the piston run smooth you can reline the original barrel (prittysure beedspeed offer a relining service but know theres staff on this site that cona confirm this...) compression test will tell you whats going on. without ripping it to bits tho
Hopefully your lucky like i was with my old speedfight, i bought it siezed but i wanted a quick test run and while i was bored i cleaned the piston up and got the rings out which were well stuck in, threw it back together and it ran fine, actually still managed to get 65mph out of it which for a 100cc standard speedfight is about right, after that i just chucked the 123cc kit in. If you want to be safe, just fork out the cash for a new 172, i remember you saying yours was quite old anyway, so with a new kit you might find it's a little bit nippier
Beedspeed rebore but if it's nicosil lining then we can't do anything with it unfortunately. Didn't know you could get it relined?
im pretty sure the 172 kits are not nicosil if they are they have a ver thin lining 125 and 180 ones have nicolsil bores though
very true!! righty if it is the 172 kit i will fork money out for a new 172 kit and fitting and run the fucker in!!! if its crank fuck it! im striping for parts and buying a new bike... or i will sell it how it is!!
thinkin bout it ant my bike used to seize up all the time, n i cunt kick it or owt n all i had to do was change th gasket, so mite not be to bad.
wrong.. the 125/180 are iron sleeves where as the 172 is nicosil lined. the lining is less than 1/8th of a mm thick
feel for you mate , u just got it set up by psn then a few weeks later its fucks up , its the runner curse lol :w00t:
I don't really get this. It was setup by PSN so it would have been running "perfect"? Meaning if it siezed due to bad jetting or lack of oil it's their fault? :wtf:
They did seem to be rushing around abit, but to be fair i guess you'd have to say they know what there doing... right? :msn1:
like i said psn must o set it up to break cause they dont like ya lmaoo :w00t: nt suprised goin bak n complainin wen ther ws nufin rong nah im messin bt seems like they must have caused it...unless of cause it was being consstantly thrashed *cough*
:msn1: thats what i was thinking, but the conrod has fucked and took the 172 kit out with it.... so looks like im breaking it for parts!
thats wot went on my 70 :msn1: but im gd me so i got ne for 70 quid lobour and 50 quid for a nu crank :bird: