Provided we get enough replies and suggestions, could be worth stickying this! Basically, what are ways that you can reduce the cost of your car insurance? For example, fitting a GPS tracker, would this make much difference? How about saying its kept in a garage? Current List - State your car is parked on the street opposite, not in the garage/on the driveway (seriously!)
I'm not sure about a Tracker; it may only make a difference with a very high end car. The insurance company don't want to spend their time chasing a old ford escort aground the UK trying to retrieve it, but you bet your ass they will with an Audi R8. They don't want to pay out £80K for a new one! There was 1 not so obvious thing I did to reduce my car insurance this year. I heard a rumour that if you say the car is parked on the street as opposed to the drive/garage you will save money. Their flimsy bollocks excuse is that car security is getting better now and that thieves are rarely breaking into cars to steal them, they are breaking into your house and just taking the keys. Not a lot but I saved £30 for the year, maybe more for younger drivers. I'm with Admiral through Confused.
a recognised pass plus or advanced driver will reduce it also having someone older as named driver reduces some policies even fully comp can be cheaper than third party on some policies due to everyone assuming it'll be more expensive and opting for the "cheaper option"..having accidents and raising the risk factor keeping it off the road DOES reduce premiums...not necessarily in a garage. As for keeping it in a garage and someone breaking into the house for the keys....they'll do the same if its on the street!!! finally...somethingnot necessarily within your own control..... if you're unemployed...the premium goes kin stupid is that when you're skint
plenty about... england is still as it was in the 50's.... just not everywhere. its easy to just accept the countrys a shithole and deal with it... but its more realistic to hopoe there are some nice places about. wich there are, you just have to live in the middle of nowhere, far far away from train stations, migrant hotspots (any big town) or any densley populated area's. westcountry is nice.. few shithole towns/small citys about but there are some nice places.. deep kent is nice... even some places up north are tollerable. generally tho you need to be away from major population to really enjoy this country as in my opinion its allready fucked and gettign worse. go see england befor it dissapears to political correctness, tollerance and multiculturalism... all those things poloticians claim are good for us yet FUCK the country for everyone fact is, the more people there are here the more tax is paid. those in charge dont give 2 fucks about quality of life for the masses, they care about pennys. thus such a densley populated little country thats falling to bits rant over.
I've found pass plus makes little or no difference to insurance. And to the ones that do actually accept it they are typically the expensive ones. It wouldn't be a waste of time though as you then can get experienced driving in different conditions that you are used to. Such as on the motorways, town and night driving etc. Definitely a must for the less confident driver, but useful for all.
basicly, if you want a car befor your 25, your gonna be bent over for insurance costs... its the way of this country unfortunatly. if it wasent for little dickheads ragging around in 106's your insurance wouldent be so expensive for you ragging round in your lil 106 sensible car is the best way to lower insurance, add a named driver wiht lots of no claims bonus (wont affect them even if you do crash, its your policy) add a recognised alarm if your doing more than 3rd party only.. but generally your gonna be fucked over. my friend found the cheapest way to insure himself at 18 was to buy a car wiht bundled insurance for 2 years... he bought a 1.4 clio for around 6 grand over 5 years... 2 years insurance free. this ment he was paying just over a grand a year to buy AND insure his car.. wich was brand new...
kit cars! realy cheap to insure im on £600 fully comp in my name on my jeep it is a tad slow but its fun. lots of other kitcars out there too im tempted with a banham or a dax rush next or maybe a 2.0 pinto engine in my jeep haha
(nrgandy) Do you have to be 21 to have kit car insurance ? if not could you tell me which insurance company your with please because the ones ive rang up theyve all told me i need to be 21 and over.
i had the same problem with some try adrian flux and msm insureance. msm was cheaper for me but adrian flux was a better policy with breakdown etc.
i read that: battery cut out switches immobilisers trackers older and more experienced driver listed as the main driver cars that are fairly shit lmfao i heard that the above make the insurance go down a fair bit
being a homeowner makes it cheaper always tell them its garaged i insure the car through the missis and me as the named driver saves about £300 a year.. edit: a ford ka is group 1 insurance