right, near on half of the users with avatars are oversized.. PLEASE check your avatar is no more than 115x115.. no winging, change them as per the rules or they will be removed.. spacing on the page is FUCKED if people dont stick to this.
are you people actually fucking joking? like 4 more animated avitar's... ALL OVERSIZED since i posted this.. fuck this.. keep it up,. ill start randomly banning people for a week with NO notice if peoiple want to ignor rules. and yes, once again its a few spoiling it for others (there are reasons for the size, most of all it fucks the margins, an i dont like it) sort it, or there ALL gone
Also noticed some sigs are getting a bit excessive recently (i even reduced mine from having its own gravitational field a few months back)
My sig's a bit deep, I'll take it off when I get home, but all pics are blocked while i'm at work. Which makes ebay fucking difficult! lol Nah, just adjusted it
board looks 10 times better/tidier now.. (supprised tero aint been ranting about this yet tbh) check your image size, welcome to have whatever you like there (within reason) jus keep the size right.. thanks to all