Once I get home I can check for certain as I have the Haynes manual. That covers all the scoots from 98 into the fuel injected 4strokes (blurrgh)
Its not he morini engine, according to my Haynes manual its the Aprilia aircooled engine. Bit of a bitsa reading the manual, essentially the bottom half of the ditech engine with an aircooled top end and carb fed. To be certain, the engine number is at the back of the transmission case on a raised area around the gearbox oilfiller. With that and the reg you should be fine. Its def not the Piaggio engine. That I can say for certain.
O.k thanks for that......so it might not be a Morini engine ?.....I've got the engine no. on the logbook, so will have a look at the no. on the actual engine, to see if they match.....
Just been cleaning the engine down, ready for a strip down, if needed....found the engine no. it's different from what's on the logbook, but that's often the case, both of my Honda Sky's had different engine numbers than their logbooks, it begins AAA, the same as the original, if that's significant ?........
Well, it has the oil pump in the same place as my old suzuki katana 50, plus the bolt on carb from what I can see, but it says aprillia on the belt cover. Looks like a morini lump to me.
Thanks for that......it seems highly likely that it IS a Morini.....I suppose there must be a way of telling for sure, by using the engine no. ?
No the minareli engine has the oil pump driver by a worm gear fitted behind the flywheel. I am pretty certain you have the Aprilia engine, that is actually a carb fed, air cooled cousin of the ditech FI liquid cooled unit, which is a Suzuki engine. Have you tried calling pedparts, fowlers would be another good source of info.
Have a look round on this page from Fowlers website, shows chassis number prefixes etc and good quality blow up drawings, https://www.fowlersparts.co.uk/brow...zd4pke1-zd4pkg1-zd4pku1/country/all-countries
Wasn't the ditec piaggio with the chrome cylinder? Or am I mixing it with the Peugeot one? Or are they the same. Those 50cc jetforce motors are trash, the air filter is a sealed unit... Stevep will remember what I mean
Don't talk to me about Di-tech and Peugeot chromed barrels bags of kak! Those injected 50cc scooters that peugeot made would stop working just because of the air cleaner minutely clogged......... and as for the di-tech that aprillia and gilera made........who the hell does diagnosis with a friggin' gameboy?????
Anyone know what size flywheel puller is needed for the Aprilia Mojito 50cc 2002 Morini engine ?.....need to get flywheel off, to have a look at the crank seal behind it......
Not a puller like the modern ones, its the older type looking at the flywheel, one of these.. https://www.pedparts.co.uk/product/6356/flywheel-puller-morini-malaguti
Reeds are o.k on this thing......still not drawing fuel through......just taken silencer off, because it happened once on one of my Honda Sky's, the silencer was carboned up....still no joy......last thing to check is r/s crankcase seal.......
Blast it with wd40 while cranking. If it is the seal you will smell it on the plug. Spray some fuel (carefully) it might try and run.
Can't get the flywheel off, the puller is one like you said Bankofdad, not the same as mine......might be able to make one, but it does look pretty dry in there
That looks like one of those medieval torture devices where they used to throw tomatoes at your head.