Comments on Profile Post by Aigars

  1. IceIceBaby!
    just had a look, thats very nice !! have you seen the pictures of my bike on facebook?.. il try and get some more pictures soon.. trying to find a runner engine from some where to put in my bike.. got a problem with it over heating not sure what to do..
    May 23, 2012
  2. Aigars
    yeah i seen ur ped,) why dont you sell your moped and get a new one?
    May 23, 2012
  3. IceIceBaby!
    duno what to get really and avent got any money..
    May 24, 2012
  4. TalkToShank
    i might have a spare engine available for a ice soon, il let you know mate, aswell theres a couple on ebay at the moment, and aswell i believe the gilera runner 180cc engines fit nicely if your feeling ruthless! ahaa
    Sep 2, 2012
  5. IceIceBaby!
    ive wanted to put a 180 engine in my bike for ages just cant find one anywhere, there like gold dust ! ive looked into i think i may need to grind my engine mounts down a bit but thats no problem ;)
    Sep 2, 2012
  6. TalkToShank
  7. TalkToShank
    theres three! last one looks promising :)
    Sep 3, 2012
  8. IceIceBaby!
    last 2 are 4 stroke engines, i want the sp ( 2 stroke ) but there really hard to get unless you pay stupid money.. i could also you a piagio typhoon 125 engine, but not had much look finding them either..
    Sep 3, 2012