The UK's biggest automatic scooter forum.
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Hey guys, Well the time has come... ive graduated to a real bike now, and its time for the ET2 to go. I figure the easiest way for me to get rid...
mate... you are a champ... what i did was put the case on the gas camping stove.... then i banged the case on a flat wooden surface and out...
Hey guys Just wondering how you remove and reinstall the bearing (near the clutch) in the tranny case. mines cactus, and i have a new one to...
cool man.. apart from that flat spot on the front, it looks like a half way decent job. yeah... i would have used a rubber block to sand back the...
ok... i had a bit of a listen and a feel, and im pretty sure your right minor. i reckon its that little bearing in the tranny case... i wiggled...
haha good to know... thanks man makes sense that its the little bearing in the case... its tiny... and would spin fast... i imagine it would get...
Thanks man.. ill have a look and get back to you.... whats the urgency on changing it? can it fail catastrophically?
Hi Guys, Just wondering if anyone has had a rear bearing fail on them, or one that needed replacement? I think mines getting a bit noisier when...
hey man... like i said in the PMs ... if you need to buy a carb anyway, just get the 21... i had a 17.5 standard on mine... and the 21 is so...
no man.. that will be where the oil gets pumped into. you will still need the oil pump (and metering) unless you want to go premix.
ive got a 21mm on mine... goes pretty well :) youll love the giannelli reverse :)
hehe...well when im rich and famous i will... deal? heres what the house looks like atm... last photo was uploaded over a week doesnt...