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Get caught ridin pple during yur 2 yrs of A2 restriction, or are yu allowed to ride pple n go on motorways str8 after yu passed? What's the best...
What happens if yu get caught during two yrs of restriction to 125cc? do yu lose licence all together or just points?
Isit? thats long. Buh if i do dat im restricted tu 125 for two yrs or sutin. does dat mean in that two yrs i can ride pple round? n can i do A2...
What licence can i do so i can ride 125cc with no L plates and carry pillion passenger? At age:17 ???
Oi silent1 yu knw dem chickz yh i spoke tu wun my boyz y-day apprantly shes a dirtz shocka from Bridge was mackin her all day. N daniels propa on...
For real i cud neva buy electirc ped, gotta love da 2stroke sound :mrgreen:
lol yh we bunned afta yu lot cut den got munchies so went for sum food. Wats da top speed on yur aerox bc we musta c yu 1 place den 2 secs lata yu...
yhyh klkl for dat doe we was opposite yulot lik 3 brehz, did yu lot c us?
Yhyh I was wit silent 1 stil soon gonna be gettin our 172'z currently hus had a crash wit a fukin van wrist is fuked!